We are service professionalsAppeal
to more than 12 thousand professionals in Italy

We are service professionalsAppeal
to more than 12 thousand professionals in Italy


Pootia for Business

Do you want to offer a real value to your users? Now, you can do it with just spending a few cents! Pootia is our new platform dedicated to the consumer market. It is the ideal tool for welfare solutions, brand loyalty or services integration.

Saemi Cloud

Working next door from far away. The proprietary web platform allows our Partners to get access thanks to login credentials, so that they can follow up the progress of the work.

Technical support

Our technical support provides you with a range of technical experts who will help you realize specialised tasks.
PAS logo
Allianz Worldwide Partners logo
PAS logo

We are constantly updated to meet
ever-changing needs



We offer you all you need for your home: prompt intervention, incident management and reports, furnace, air conditioners, domestic appliances installation and maintenance and much more.



 All you need to take care of your loved ones: housekeepers, babysitters, Task force



All you need in terms of treatment, inside and outside your home: general practicioners and specialists assistance, doctors visits, official medical checks and home inspections.



All you need for your mobility: home delivery of a rental car, taxi service, chauffeur, vehicle-towing services and breakdown assistance.



An advance payment service is offered for all the activities whose cost is not specified on any rate card.



Our company provides you with a technical support which conceives our products, always taking into account legal updates.



Italy Assistance Saemicard, also known as SAEMI, has been active for years in the field of  personal care and real estate.

We provide you with B2B services, thanks to a network of professionals thoughout in Italy. We also offer services to the operating centres which are tied to the insurance companies and to all the Utilities, Banks, Producers, large retailers, bodies and organizations caring about their own customers.

  • Operational Office: it handles the whole operations procedure for service provision, starting from the detection of the right professional category to be chosen to final customer satisfaction
  • Network Office: it handles dealership agreements with suppliers and relationships with the professionals’ network
  • Technical Office: it deals with all the planning, management, work supervision, work organization and control
  • Sales Office: it conceives products, always taking into account legal updates and new market trends
  • IT Office: it supports management in creating solutions and innovative services, in order to meet our customers’ needs, by offering more appropriate solutions
  • Quality Office: it follows up the whole service management and provision stage, settles disputes and handles compaints

Italy Assistance Saemicard
In numbers

0123456789001234567890                     .012345678900123456789001234567890

services on average handled every year


hours – the average time required for the prompt intervention staff to be on the spot

0123456789001234567890                     %

the percentage of satisfied customers

Cosa dicono di noi
i nostri clienti


The best experience & support

Credibly innovate granular internal or “organic” sources whereas high standards in web-readiness. Energistically scale future-proof core competencies vis-a-vis impactful experiences. Dramatically synthesize integrated schemas with optimal networks.

Michael Marrow
jQuery Lead Programmer


The best experience & support

Credibly innovate granular internal or “organic” sources whereas high standards in web-readiness. Energistically scale future-proof core competencies vis-a-vis impactful experiences. Dramatically synthesize integrated schemas with optimal networks.

Michael Marrow
jQuery Lead Programmer


The best experience & support

Credibly innovate granular internal or “organic” sources whereas high standards in web-readiness. Energistically scale future-proof core competencies vis-a-vis impactful experiences. Dramatically synthesize integrated schemas with optimal networks.

Michael Marrow
jQuery Lead Programmer

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Italy Assistance Saemicard S.R.L.

Address: via Bordonaro, 20 – 90142 Palermo Italia

Telephone number: +39 0916375840 e-mail: saemicard@saemicard.net

Share Capital € 250.000,00 i.v. – Vat Number: 04706530823


Italy Assistance Saemicard S.R.L.

Address: via Bordonaro, 20 – 90142 Palermo Italia

Telephone number: +39 0916375840

e-mail: saemicard@saemicard.net

Share Capital: € 250.000,00 i.v.

Vat Number: 04706530823


Copyright by Italy Assistance Saemicard S.R.L. Tutti i diritti riservati.